
Welcome to our new website!

We concern ourselves with antique lanterns, pressure lamps, camping stoves, and other collectibles items and accessories.
In our shop you can find whatever you need - if not, we'll find it for you! So do not hesitate to contact us if you are looking for something special!




Optimus was founded in Stockholm in 1899. From very early on Optimus exported its products all over the world. In the inter-war years, Optimus introduced pressure lamps and lanterns to the list of products and successfully expanded.

After WW2 the demand for their products was huge. Optimus struggled to keep up with demand. This was a prosperous era for the company.

In 1962 Optimus bought the Primus brand name for liquid-fueled stoves. The following year they purchased the market share and trademark from rival AB RADIUS. In 1969 Optimus bought the Svea brand. They then made Optimus, Primus brand and Svea brand stoves. A 00, a Primus 210 or a Svea 121 stove.

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